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This page is where you can learn all the latest news about our school.

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    Published 17/05/24

    Our last Ofsted was on the 26th March 2024. At that inspection, we received an overall grade of outstanding.

    Ofsted Outstanding Again!

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  • Fantastic feedback from Trainee Teachers

    Published 12/03/24

    In Feb of this year we had a number of trainee teachers from Mid-Essex ITT training school in. We loved the opportunity to let teachers just starting their careers see what we do and meet our amazing pupils. 

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  • Amazing feedback from expert visitor

    Published 09/03/24

    Always so proud of what we do at Chatten Free School but sometimes something happens that makes us feel extra proud of our unique provision. We loved working with Fyfe to find ways to maximize the impact of Chatten Free school in helping our incredible young people be happy, independent, respected and access the world in a meaningful way.

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  • Meeting the Home Secretary

    Published 15/06/21

    Meeting Priti Patel

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  • Buy your school uniform

    Published 21/05/21

    School uniform available now!

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  • Welcome to our new website

    Published 29/04/21

    Welcome to our new website

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