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Careers and preparing for adulthood

We are currently in the process or developing and revising our approach to careers and adult preparation in partnership with the Essex Targeted Employment Team.  See below for more details and keep an eye on this space for further developments.

Our Vision:
Our vision is to support, engage and enable learners to build confidence, resilience and motivation in order to achieve their full potential.

Our commitment
There has never been a time when careers guidance has been as important for young people as it is today. At Chatten Free School, we have a critical role to play in preparing our  learners for the next stage of their lives.  Learners withing the Chatten Cohort are statistically the least likely to gain any form of employment.  We seek to change that.  We seek to understand what our learners enjoy and do best and find opportunities for them to do these things in the working world.

Our Values
Our key values at Chatten Free School are for each and every pupil to REACHING their potential. We do that through; 

•    Respect : Respect is the foundation on which our school values are based. We promote care, trust and honesty with our learners, their families/carers, schools, academies and all other partners and stakeholders.
•    Effort : We recognize that our work has a positive impact on our learners and their families/carers, improving outcomes for all. We work tirelessly to improve the lives of our learners. 
•    Achieve : We have the highest expectations of both ourselves and our learners. We believe that all of our learners can make progress and achieve.
•    Communication : In order to realise shared goals and achieve the very best for the learners we work collaboratively with parents/carers, schools, academies and other stakeholders. We will communicate the highest standards and expectations at all times.
•    Happy and Healthy: We have created a safe, secure and happy learning environment in which all learners can thrive. We equip learners with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve well in life. We acknowledge and celebrate their successes widely.
•    Individuals: We treat each of our learners as individuals in terms of curriculum and careers.
•    Nurture: We nurture individual strengths and interests to create the best possible opportunities for our pupils
•    Growing: We work to continually grow and develop our approach to careers and adult transitions. 
